Digby Scott Logo

I work with leaders in organisations who want to create
better, more sustainable ways to lead.

Digby Scott Logo

Helping people develop deliberate
leadership for uncertain times.

Move forward
with purpose.

What does it
mean to
lead boldly?

We live in interesting times.

Like it or not, we live in interesting times.They are times of danger and uncertainty, but they are also more open to the creative energy of men than any other time in history.

Robert Kennedy said that back in 1966 (when you could say ‘men’ and mean ‘everyone’). It’s still true today. We live in interesting times. These times allow us to reimagine what we want for our societies, our organisations, and our lives.

To realise that, we need bold leadership. People go beyond the existing ways of doing things. People who are curious, courageous and connected. Bold leadership consciously chooses to embody the best of humanity to meet the challenges of our messy, challenging world.

That's bold leadership. And that's what I'm here to grow with you.

How do you lead boldly? Here are three ways:

Make Change Happen

I help leaders to develop a compelling vision for their organisation, their teams and themselves, and give them the tools, habits and structures to make it happen.

Lead People Well

I help leaders to engage and grow their people to deliver amazing results and discover the potential that exists within them.

Live Life Deliberately

I help leaders to live a life by design, not by default, so they can get on with creating the impact they want to have while not burning out.


Develop your peoples’ ability to get above the fray, find their voice, and lead with depth.

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Equip your people with the practical skills and mindsets to lead deliberately every day.

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Inspire your audience to rise to what’s possible.

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Hi. I'm Digby.

Here's a bit about me.

  • My clients say my superpower is in bringing people together to create high-trust, deep-learning environments.
  • I geek out on making the complex simple (but not simplistic). I want to make it easy for people to apply what I teach so they can make their own worlds better.
  • I’m not a status quo guy. Don’t ask me to make it OK to stay the same. Ask me to help you courageously grow in the direction you want to go.
  • I’m more inspired by vulnerability and authenticity than I am by credentials and achievements. When you work with me, we get real.
  • I’m about the relationship, not the transaction. Evolution is not a one-off event. I’d prefer to walk alongside you over time to help you embed what you want to see.
  • I’m a unique mix of gravity and levity. I’ll bring wisdom, challenging questions and insights, along with a positive, infectious energy! Those combined create a pretty cool experience.

How do I package all of that up for you? I’m a speaker, I’m a facilitator, I’m a trusted guide, I’m a coach. I’m also a learner, a collaborator and a committed partner who works with you over time to challenge and support you to create the future you want.

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Photography by Chris McKeown

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