
Cool tools, books and podcasts to inspire and keep you moving.


Change Makers


We get to choose our futures. Do we shrink back and play it safe, or do we learn how to adapt, lean in to discomfort and rise above, paving the way for others to do the same? This book will help you to sharpen your focus, amplify your voice, play it a little less safe, build your network, and get the traction on your change agenda that you’ve been looking for.

Ideas About the Future of Leadership

Free Download

Spark inspiration! 12 short chapters across 60 pages gives you fresh thinking on the leadership habits and qualities that we need to cultivate. If you want to make change happen, lead people well and life life deliberately, this ebook will give you some great ideas.


Networked Leadership Diagnostic Tool

How effective is your network? This tool will give you a snapshot of the shape of your current and desired network. You'll get a map of where your network's already strong, and where you might want to put some more effort in. It's a simple, effective way to focus your relationship building efforts.


Career Break

If you’re considering a career break or are looking at how you make them a part of how you attract develop and retain your workforce, join the career break community for resources and connections to help you make it happen.

Sustainable Leadership

The way we're working isn't working. Burnout levels are rife. Our organisational and societal systems are under massive strain, and up for reinvention. Something's got to change.Join me for conversations about how we reshape the forces so we can create more sustainable ways of working and living.

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Photography by Chris McKeown

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