Three Tensions Leaders Need to Hold

The greater the tension, the greater the potential - Carl Jung

The act of leading and making change happen naturally creates tension. Here are three tensions leaders and change-makers need to hold and work with:

With difficult conversations:

Harmony and Clarity

Getting the balance right between maintaining the relationship while getting the real stuff on the table.

Tip: Know that the best relationships are based on trust and truth.

With being the leader:

Confidence and Wonderance

Projecting that you know what you’re talking about while showing that you don’t know it all.

Tip: You don’t need to know it all. You’re more effective when you invite people to solve it with you.

With making change happen:

Making and Letting

Knowing when to take deliberate action and knowing when to let go.

Tip: Control is largely an illusion.

It’s not about one side being better than the other. It’s about being acutely aware of the tension. Noticing what’s needed in the moment. And deftly meeting that need.

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